I have an awesome family that help me in my adventures. There's Mom in High Heels (I'm sure you're familiar with her. She's amazing in her own right and pretty hot. If only she were 3.75 inches high. I'm just sayin.), Mr. HH (who can be a grump on our travels, but he's great at helping me get places, so he's cool, and of course my little namesake, Indy, who is always up for adventure and learning. You might see their hands occasionally in the photos. They make sure I get where I need to go. Not that I couldn't do it on my own, it's just far easier this way. And it makes them feel important. I've been doing a lot of traveling lately and while it was okay for me to show up over at MIHH's place every now and then, we chatted and decided that it would really be better for me to have my own blog. Once she explained to me what that meant, anyway. I have a lot to say and so here I am. I'll try to check in with you and post my adventures as often as I can, but remember, I lead a life of high adventure and can often be in remote places that have no access to this internet thing MIHH is so fond of. I've most recently been travelling through the French countryside and into Paris and I have much to show you, but for now I'm off to get some much needed rest and relaxation. I've recently discovered that Indy has a stash of stuff in his room, including a pocket sized Marion. I think I'll put her on the back of my bike and take her to see this Playmobil pyramid I see up on a high shelf.
Take care.
Pocket sized Marion! hahaha!